At the Pegg Garden there are a number of plants that are rare and unique in our region. A complete inventory of plants at the Garden is in progress.
George Pegg Botanic Garden Tree Tour
The Tree Tour is an interactive Google Map with the locations of a number of the trees growing in the Garden. Use this tool during your visit for directions to each tree. Simply tap a tree, and you will also find interesting facts and information about the tree.
Heritage Trees at George Pegg Botanic Garden
Included in the Tree Tour are the Garden’s two heritage trees, the Ponderosa Pine and the Swedish Columnar Aspen.
Heritage Trees are trees of particular interest by virtue of qualities such as size, age, shape, special interest, location and history. A Heritage Tree may be an individual tree, clump, grove, shelterbelt, garden, forest, arboretum or site of botanical and/or ecological interest.
Heritage Trees are marked with a black plaque on or near the tree, except trees located in national parks. Three hundred and fifty Heritage Trees are identified in the province in Alberta.
(from Heritage Trees of Alberta, published 2008)
Other Heritage Trees in Lac Ste. Anne County:
Heatherdown Spruce (White Spruce) outside of Onoway - 54028 Rge Rd 21
Boardwalk Trees (Balsam Poplar) outside of Alberta Beach - beside baseball diamond
George Bugnet Plantation (Scots Pine) outside of Rich Valley - Rge Rd 33 & Twp Rd 564
Liss Farm (Pincherry) outside of Sangudo - 57308 Hwy 757
Liss Farm Shelterbelt (various species) outside of Sangudo - 57308 Hwy 757